
Friday 21 October 2016


It was a dark stormy night, the rain fell heavily onto my rough fur, as I tread through the forest, leading my pack. We are on a mission to get to the highest hill, to howl up at the big full moon. We have aspirations to attract more wolves to join our pack, and for us to become strong. I understand it’s a long journey ahead, and that we only have a few days to get there, but it would be worth it. There’s a paddock full of green grass ahead, that will be where we rest and regain energy. I lie on the grass, close to the other wolves in the pack for warmth. I dream of myself on the tall hill with a big white moon above my head. I imagine how the grass feels on my paws and how warm the wind blows. I howl up at the moon and dozens of wolves start to howl and come closer. I really hope this is how it would be when we eventually get there.

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